Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Can You Spot The Bear????

ridge has had a little blue bear since he was two months old and it has barely (no pun intended) left his side since. the thing is so raggedy and dirty looking despite its weekly baths. not to long ago, maybe a few months, the tag fell off (there is a little tag on its butt) from ridges constant pulling at it and the fact that when he holds the bear thats usually where he holds it from. so when it fell out the tag came apart making two tags. we decided to put one tag away as a back up tag and the other we sewed back on. kind of ridiculous i know but I'm not ready to face the day the tag or even bear doesn't make it home. we have had a few close calls and even hours of searching for the darn thing but so far its here and intact. we have hundreds (no exaggeration) of pictures dating back to the Christmas of 08 where you can see the bear in the corner or him holding it. its really quite funny! well i chose a few pictures to see if you can spot the bear. under each picture ill share the answer.
its pretty cut off but its right under the pink candy box (Halloween 2010)
i think its pretty obvious (June 2010)
hes holding it while sucking his thumb (Sept 2010)
right after his first hair cut (6ish months ago)
hes holding it while daddy holds him (4ish months ago)

pretty obvious (July 4th 2010)

kind of hiding behind the cup (may 2010)
holding on to it (Feb 2010)
its really hard to tell but if you look close he is holding it (Jan 2010)
holding it (2009)
holding it by the tag (Dec 2009)
bottom right corner (Dec 2009)
above his head (Oct 2009)
under the shoes (10 months old)

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