Sunday, June 12, 2011

"where do babies come from mommy"?

The twins have a children's encyclopedia that they are OBSESSED with! it has a section about reproduction and the kids came and asked about the pictures that included the man and women's reproductive organs, sperm, eggs, fetus and a picture that explains sexual intercourse.We have always been very open with the kids. seeing the birth process of Ridge and Olivia has allowed them to understand more then some kids twice their age. TheY know where babies come out of and the whole birthing and breast-feeding process but they had never asked how the baby gets in the tummy till now!  So as they asked questions i answered them (thats our rule. if their old enough to ask then their old enough to know) one question led to another, i let them lead the convo and used all technical terms and am happy with the out come! now they can explain the whole process of reproduction with all scientific terms lol. im actually really proud of how much info they retained because the next day they went to nathan with the book and  explained the whole process from intercourse to delivery (vaginal and csections). Nathan pointed to some of the pictures and asked "well whats that" one of the pictures was a women's egg surrounded by approaching sperm. when asked "whats that" their answer went something like this ....

Jayvin- thats the mommies egg. (pointing to the egg) and thats the daddies sperm (pointing to the sperm
Jazzy- and only the strongest and fastest sperm who make it to the egg can turn into a fetus that turns into a baby!!!!
Jaynin- (with excitement) AND JAZLYNN AND ME WOOOON!!!!!

 he was very impressed.

Nathan went through more pictures letting them lead and came upon the picture of the naked women with a baby in her belly, obviously towards the end of her term since the baby was head down. Nathan asked "whats this" Jazlynn and jayvins answer....

Jazzy- Thats the baby getting ready to come out of the mommies vagina....
Jayvin- well jazzy the babies can get cut out of the mommies tummy too remember. like me and you did.
Nathan- why did you have to come out of mommies belly and not mommas vagina?
Jazzy- because i was baby B and he was baby A and A come before B but he was Birtched (breech) so they couldn't get us out of her vagina!
Jayvin- (in a defensive voice) well I was only like that cause i wanted to give jazzy kisses (pointing at the picture) because see my head was up here and hers was down there and that way i could reach her!!

To bad it doesn't work like that kiddo but it was so cute i let him think it!

I love how open we are with our kids, after all the human body is nothing to be ashamed of. so far they only understand that sexual intercourse is the process to make a baby and that it is something that is not suitable for kids. I left the feelings and sexuality out of it and will leave that for when they are a bit older to grasp those loving intimate feelings. 

  oh and jayvin says " a boy is called a man or male and a girl is called a female or wiseman" lol how funny i corrected him i said "were called wise women"

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